Monday, April 19, 2010

New Battlefield Heroes Game Mode + RR and TT Outfits

It's finally here! The new game mode formerly known as Ruins and Midnight Mayhem is now known as V2 Vengeance ! Also, the long awaited Rippin' Rocket and Thor's Turbojet Outfits have been released!

Check out the Hot Deals section to check them out! They also come with a new "rocket jump" widget which allows you to get a super jump (but is based on uses.)


  1. Already played the new mod. it's awwweeesoome.though it's a bit of a comando's fight if you can keep moving they won't get you.real cool and tx for the update^^

  2. People are complaining about the rocket widget lol
    Anyways like the new mode/costumes!
