Sunday, August 22, 2010

I love lazy sundays :)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Playing hide and seek at the park :) i hope i catch people!
Filming a new move guru!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I'm not dead!

Proof is in the new video that was just uploaded on our channel! Check it out!


Monday, August 16, 2010

First day of school, here we go!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

In the castle of darkness; kohls

Friday, August 13, 2010

Had a ton of fun playing battlefield with you guys! i have a 1 day xp boost so i'll be on a lot :)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Battlefield Heroes 8/10/2010 w/ Pictures

Me getting a double blasting strike kill + a first strike

A guy crashed into me while I was taking off and I got a wingclip for it! My first grounded wing clip!

A cool action shot of a soldier using blasting strike.

Dang girl, look at the blast!

My brother Justin killing me w/ his new muscles :D

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Elechitman on vacation

Looks like Elechitman had fun right?

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Super Busy...

School starts next week and I'm gonna be super inactive until I know my schedule...sorry :\

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Are you kidding me? i start school next week?

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Desert Fox and Legionnaire!

The new Dr. Pepper outfits for Battlefield Heroes are out! Redeem your codes from specially marked bottles of Dr. Pepper, the most superior soft drink, at:

The new outfits:

Join Battlefield Heroes:

Saturday, July 31, 2010

New Apraschoch Video!

Watch it here!

And subscribe to them!
Awesome, a dr pepper van gave out free dr pepper cans!
Giants won 2-1 :)
We just drove by prius; i want to strap C4 to it and hit the detonator.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Apraschoch's new video come's out tomorrow but you can watch the trailer on casey1234schoch's channel!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Walking down to target to do some window shopping :)

Monday, July 26, 2010

Hey guys, doing my first post from my phone!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

It's Video Crazy Day!

Get ready for a lot of video uploads today, starting at around 1:00 PM Pacific time!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Back from Camping!

Man, I'm stuck to camping schedule now, so I can't really sleep in...


-Hanging with bros
-Filmed another Apraschoch video
-Burned a Twilight Burger King crown

Monday, July 12, 2010


Dollars. That's how much I've earned after 1 week with my job! New computer, here I come :D

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Backgrounds, Logos, and Watermarks OH MY!

Been working hard on a lot of YouTube artwork including watermarks, logos and backgrounds for some of my friends. I'll post some of it here :D

Thursday, July 1, 2010

New wifi match!

Check the early bird section for a pre-viewing!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The 2 AM blues.

Why am I up again when I could be sleeping? Oh well, off to bed then.

Daily Achievements:

-Made it to round 2 in GeneralSecura's Wi-fi tourney. The vid will be up tomorrow.
-Elechitman got a video up! Posted it in the early bird's section.
-Barrel roll.
-Went swimmming!
-Ate part of the Chimmy Chonga at Baha Burrito
-Played with Shen :)

Well gnight guys!


It's a service that will help us generate extra revenue from the blog. You can skip the ads in the top right corner of the ad page if you want. If you wanna join linkbucks:

New Elechitman Video! (AGAIN)

Check out the Early Birds section for a pre-viewing of Elechitman's newest BFH video!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Aaron Blog: The Chimmy Chonga!

Ok, so my Dad got promoted today at work, so we decided to celebrate the occasion and went out to Baha Burrito for dinner. First of all, that place rocks. The food and atmosphere are cool and they even have the World Cup standings on the wall! Now I can know if I'm gonna win free stuff on BFH!

My brother walks in and doesn't know what to buy, so the owner suggested the infamous Chimmy Chonga; the name itself sounds terrifying. However, it was hecka good and was filled with all this fried yummy stuff :D Hope his stomach isn't killin' him now...

Sunday, June 27, 2010

New Screenshots Montage

3 on 3 Battles Confirmed!

Here on the new pictures from Pokemon Black and White:

(3 v 3 battling confirmed)

(along with new Pokemon, Ononokusu, Doryuuzu, Desukan, Mokuryu, and Denchura, also two new moves, Grass Mixer, and Drill Liner)

(Another battling picture of the legends)

gonna be posting on here more :D

I'm gonna be more posting day to day stuff and what I'm working on. Should I make a new page for my personal bloggin?

Monday, June 21, 2010

Aaron is streaming!

Come watch me edit!

Watch live streaming video from gigatitan at

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Nintendo's 3D Portable System News!

It's that time of year for us gamers, E3! ;]
Now the price and release of this system isn't released yet, but at least we get a picture and video demonstration.
From what I understand there are inside cameras which take different angels and project the 3D effect. The system looks like a DSi with a psp joystick, when you use the system in 3D you hold it as if it is a book.


Saturday, June 12, 2010

Early Bird!

Hey guys early bird time! Enjoy ;]

Friday, June 11, 2010

New Pokemon Announced!

Here are the latest Pokemon for black and white!

This picture shows the bird like Pokemon named Mamepato(Normal/Flying), gears which is named Gear(Steel), Mun'na(Psychic) which is the egg looking swinub thing, and Chiramii(Normal) which is the mouse looking pokemon, I also notice the pokedex or some type of item that look like Ipods on the bottom left, In the top right there is the new Professor Araragi :

In this next picture you will see a fire looking monkey named Hihidaruma(Fire), an electric looking pony named Shimama(Electric), and a Croc named Meguroko(Ground/Dark):

Here is the new region which is named Isshu which shows the city, dessert, a few bridges(which has close up on the 3d draw bridge) and what seems to be a castle after the castle looking style bridge, just my assumption:

Here are the rest of the recently shown pictures on CoroCoro:

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Pokemon Wi-fi Match 220!

It's in the early bird section, check it out now!

600 videos!

Thanks to everyone for sticking with us for all of these years. We really appreciate your support and hope you're all being entertained!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Yet another early bird video!

Hey everyone! Gigatitan is out for the weekend, and I have no idea how to photoshop, so here is my latest video.

No fancy picture to go along with it, but I don't think that matters too much.

sorry if that's an inconvenience.


Broadcasting LIVE!

Hello all! It's UberNobody here to bring you a special event! I will be broadcasting myself playing the StarCraft 2 beta! You guys get to be among the few to see the game live before it's released!

What day? This Monday!

What time? 1-4pm PACIFIC TIME (west coast of U.S.A)

For those of you who don't know, sc2 is a real-time strategy game where you control the building of a massive army and base to eliminate the enemy!

Be there... or be square!

Monday, May 31, 2010

New Uber Nobody Video!

Check the early bird section to check it out!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Black and White Legends!

Here we go the legend for White(Zekrom) and Black(Reshiram)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Pokemon Wi-Fi Match 218 - Early Bird!

Check it out in the early bird section to see it before it airs on YouTube!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

UberNobody - Early bird video!

Hey guys, check it out! The first real early bird video! Watch it now!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Early Birds!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Battlefield Heroes - Bonus XP Weekend!

Starting today, redeem the code below to get 2 days of bonus experience! Enjoy leveling up more quickly!


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

New Elechitman Video!

Enjoy :)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

New Black and White Images

Hey guys it's Elechitman and I just noticed some new Images check them out. Enjoy and also notice what Giga showed me. Zoroark ability know as illusion allows him to turn into a pokemon. ( It about the same as Dittos' Transform) To see more about these images you can use the search bar in the top right and type in pokebeach. Enjoy :]

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

5th Gen Starters!

The main characters are teenagers, not little kids.

The Pokemon's names are Tsutaaja, Pokabu, and Mijumaru.

The starters look like a snake, pig, and sea otter.

(from PokeBeach) Zoroark's ability is called Illusion (イリュージョン). The ability allows it to take on the appearance of other Pokemon.
Two new attacks are Trickery (イカサマ), which outputs damage depending on the opposing Pokemon's stats, and Claw Sharpen (つめとぎ), which raises your Attack and Accuracy.

(from PokeBeach) If you trade over the shiny Entei, Suicune, or Raikou from the the Ruler of Illusions: Zoroark movie ticket preorders, you can battle and capture a Level 25 Zoroark. During the battle, the Monster Fox Pokemon will take on the appearance of the Pokemon you traded over, and at several points it will revert to its original form (probably when weak). When it does, you can attempt to capture it.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

5th Gen Silhouettes!

So, what do you think they are?

Hello All!

Hi everyone! It's me, UberNobody! I am the latest edition to the Gigatitan channel and hope to make a lot of great videos for you guys! Right now I've got my first video uploaded and a bunch more on the way that just need some voice-overs and a little editing!

Hopefully I can help you guys out on what strategies to use and what to upgrade in Battlefield Heroes!

My first video:

Friday, May 7, 2010

Wi-Fi Distribution Event

Hey guys the official Pokemon site has announced that starting May 6th(yesterday) people that have the North American and PAL version of the HG/SS can receive the Winner's Path.(click to see more on the route) This path has various amazing items for battling strategies such as scarfs,sashes, specs. The path also allows for Pokemon with new moves such as Munchlax with self destruct( I want ;]) and a Horsea with Muddy Water.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

New 5th Gen Pokemon to be announced next week!

Pokemon Sunday said there will be a new Pokemon revealed next week! And we'll be sure to cover it!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Job Hunting is hard...

All these resumes, applications and stuff. Not fun, but well worth it.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

StoryBoard 3 - Final

The 3rd and final image. Thanks for viewing :D

StoryBoard 2

Here's the 2nd.

StoryBoard 1

Some of you guys said I should keep posting things I'm doing in school. Well, this is for a storyboard that explains the history of the ethnic group of your choosing. Here is the early immigration representation of Chinese immigrants. The Preceding pictures will be up as I finish them tonight.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

10,000 Subs!!

I know it's a little late, but here it is :D

Nuff said?

Working on the 10k video! + ...

It'll be up tonight :D Also, I'm going to be updating the blog with more stuff "behind the scenes" and stuff from my daily life :P

Monday, April 26, 2010

My American History Narrative

This is the narrative I wrote for my U.S. History class. Hope you guys like it :)

The sun was just beginning to form on to the horizon as we took our place in the food line. The December air nipped at our hands as we stood in the streets. My sister, Mary, was only 9 at the time; she barely understood what was going on at the time. I tried my best to raise my sister the way my mother would have; but I could never replace her.

We were given a single of bread from the distributors. Somehow, this was going to carry us over until tomorrow. We walked home with our treasure in hand, happy to have been early in the line that now stretched a block.

Our home, no more than a cramped apartment, was not far from where we were. The two of us walked by the empty buildings where shops and businesses once were. The troubles of the economy in far off mainland America seemed so distant, yet their effects stretched their cruel hands across the Pacific.

"I'm hungry." my sister pitifully said as we closed the door behind us.

"Mary," I calmly said to her, "we're going to have to make this last until tomorrow when the nice people will give us more." I sliced off a small piece of our bread and gave it to her. "Have this for now."

I sat down at my desk and rustled through the mess of papers. After organizing the mess, I pulled out my calendar. The 7th was circled in red because it was the day for Mary's 10th birthday. I opened the bottom drawer of the desk and pulled out a small, wrapped box. Inside was an small, ornate necklace I had bought as a present for Mary.
"What are you looking at?" Mary asked as she suddenly stepped into my room.
"N-nothing!" I said quickly as I hid the box in my pocket.

As the sun slipped away slowly in the west, the warm Pacific breeze blew inland. The wind stroked the curtains in my room and soothed me. Mary breathed calmly in the bed next to me. For some reason, I could not sleep that night. The night was not unlike any other in Hawaii; clear skies, warm winds, and the distant sound of waves gently lapping the beach. Something did not feel right, but those feelings soon slipped away as I dozed off.

The food lines were especially long on Sunday. I decided to let Mary sleep at home as I waited in line for over an hour for our food. "At least this time we have some meat and milk." I thought happily to myself as I walked home. I checked my watch, hoping that Mary wouldn't be awake so I could get ready. 7:47. I began to quicken my pace since I knew Mary would be getting up at around 8 o'clock. The low rumble of aircraft loomed in the distance as I hurriedly walked home. "A little early for flying." I thought annoyed. A formation of aircraft began to become visible as I looked out to see. Then in the distance, I heard the sound of a loud explosion. The sound startled me and I got the feeling something terrible was about to happen. The small formation had now grown into a swarm. The sound of guns began to crackle down by the harbor. Another boom. I began to run towards home; I needed to be with Mary. Smoke now began to rise over the hills surrounding the harbor, blackening the sky.

All of the sudden, a small formation of planes flew over where I was standing. Small, black dots began to fall out of the sky as they shot towards a collision course with the earth. The bombs crashed into the ground and erupted into a fireball that engulfed several houses. I dropped the food I was carrying and began to run, as if for my life, to my home. I glimpsed at the wave of fighters now flying overhead and caught the unmistakable insignia of Japan. "What are they doing here!?" I screamed in my head. The fighters began to strafe the buildings with relentless machine gun fire. Bullets whizzed by as they began their strafing runs. Another explosion cracked in the distance. I rounded the corner, but it was too late. Our home was engulfed in thick flames. I dashed up the steps to save my sister. The wooden supports groaned and then suddenly cracked. I dived off the steps into the street as the house collapsed. The crackle of flames drowned out my helpless cry. I lay there in the street; helpless to the situation presented to me. Now completely alone, I broke down. The sounds of battle still rumbled in the distance.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

New Search Engine!

We added a search engine to the blog to help you guys find stuff that's related to our videos. The search will find the most relevant sites to the content in our videos; it even opens the search in a new tab!


Saturday, April 24, 2010

GOOD NEWS! and some bad news...

June 16, 2010

Do you know what happned on June 16, 2010?


E3 Happens June 16, 2010, and Nintend has alread given us little hints on some major stuff that they are going to be showing!

The good new is that they are going to be showing off a lot of cool stuff like the 3DS! They are going to actually be demoing it at E3. You can also expect to see a lot on the new Zelda game. and a lot of never before seen trailers for all their games!

Ok. the bad news is going to be about pokemon :[ . It was said that they were not going to be showing very much if anything about the new pokemon games (Black & White). But we can always hope huh? Mabye its going to be a big surprize like the grande finale? I dont know, But i do know that i will be watching the live telebroadcast and i hope that you guys are too :]

3DS Speculation

According to CVG(a huge gaming site)they have leaked the release date for Nintendo 3DS. Stores plan to receive the 3DS sometime during October 2010.

CVG Website


Friday, April 23, 2010

10,000 Subs!

We finally hit it! Thanks everybody!


That's pretty much what I'm doing now since I just got a cavity filled :(

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Pokemon World Championship 2010

The 2010 Pokemon World Championship has been announced! At this years championship we will see another shiny Eevee distribution. The championship well be held in Hawaii this year.

Here are the official rules:


2. Double Battle Cup

3. 4 pokemon in a battle

4. Pokemon lv. 1 through lv 100 are allowed

5. Battles are at lv. 1-50. If the pokemon are above lv. 50, the game will auto level them down to lv. 50 for the battle. Moves will stay intact during the auto leveling. If a pokemon is under lv. 50, no change is made.

6. No two of the same pokemon can be used (species clause)

7. Item Clause is on, Soul Dew is banned.


Deoxys (all forms)

9. You may use up to two ubers per team. This means that you cannot have a team like Kyogre/Palkia/Dialga/Mewtwo. Non-banned Ubers are considered to be:


10. Any other pokemon may be used

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Think I should cut back?

Pokemon Wi-fi Match 213!

Finally, a doubles battle!

99 to 10k!

Let the countdown begin...

Got a new video for you all to watch! It documents the new mode V2 Vengeance so be sure to check it out! It also is my first live narration so it makes it extra special!

Monday, April 19, 2010

New Battlefield Heroes Game Mode + RR and TT Outfits

It's finally here! The new game mode formerly known as Ruins and Midnight Mayhem is now known as V2 Vengeance ! Also, the long awaited Rippin' Rocket and Thor's Turbojet Outfits have been released!

Check out the Hot Deals section to check them out! They also come with a new "rocket jump" widget which allows you to get a super jump (but is based on uses.)

Sunday, April 18, 2010


For those of you who play Pokemon competitively using Smogon University there are new revamps on around 36 Pokemon. So if you haven't seen them you can check them out here:

Smogon University

Enjoy, Elechitman

5th Gen Starters?

Ok Everyone,

So i was just minding my own business and all the suden i saw this picture about the new 5th gen starters. Well i thought it was just another fake but apparently it was anounced on pokemon sunday and so i had to look at it. The thing is, is that its just like "whos that pokemon?" you cant see what they look like. You can only see the shadow like figures of the pokemon. But still cool :]
-Shellace (aka. Minum)

Hi Guys!

Hey guys, Im New! Yea so im going to be posting some video game related news or anything else that is exiting that is going on in technilogical advances. I probably wont be doing as much pokemon updates... Mainly because Aaron will be informing u guys about that faster than i can. But anyways i will try to keep u guys posted :]

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Black and White Compatibility has confirmed that Pokemon Black and White will be compatible with trade to Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold and SoulSilver.
They have also announced that the legendary beasts that will be given away in Japan, will be holding a secret which will have something to do with Pokemon Black and White.

Have a good day, Elechitman

Friday, April 16, 2010


Jesse's TV Broke, so he's going to be not making videos for a while. We'll have to hold the fort til' he gets a new one and decides to re-continue uploading!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Aaron's 17!

Happy happy birthday to meeeeee!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

High Resolution 5th Generation Pictures

3D battling? If you check the old version of this picture if compares this style of battling to HG/SS :]

Hey guys we found some high resolution pictures on the 5th generation, enjoy :]

Caves can electrocute you :P

I think the city looks great!

The starting town in 5th gen?

Possible new vehicle!

The new Pokemon center/mart

Enjoy guys, Elechitman :]